That rules do not have a place in photography is part of Frank Ockenfels’ working philosophy. Decades spent harnessing his feverish imagination as a photographer and director have resulted in a wealth of fantastic imagery that, by his own intention, defies any one style.
Ockenfels’ unorthodox philosophy permeates his entire process, from his tactile experimentation in his journals, to his eclectic collection of lenses – often embracing their defects as points of difference in his work — to the range of personalities he captures, including actors, musicians, politicians and athletes. Ockenfels unsettles the typical notion of the iconic portrait photographer whose style is instantly recognizable. His work exists on a spectrum that is entirely his own making, often bouncing from the eerie depths of surrealism to the hazy glow of Hollywood glamour in one sitting.
Recognized as one of the world’s leading portrait photographers, Ockenfels’ work is regularly seen in magazines such as Time, New York Magazine and Rolling Stone.
OCT 1 – OCT 25